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Updated: Jul 27, 2021

Destrucyion 1983

In an interview, the leader of the band Destruction, Schmier, spoke about the current difficult times for musicians who need live concerts, are the main ones affected by the crisis of COVID19. In the "Scars An

d Guitars" podcast, where Destruction lead singer Marcel "Schmier" Schirmer was invited to mention:

“We were really scared when all the shows were cancelled, because we basically made money from the live shows. Now that physical sales are stalled and people are streaming, the money made from selling an album is not enough, so we have to play live. Fortunately, the German government offered some help to small businesses. As Destruction is a company, we received emergency assistance. It was quick and less bureaucratic than usual in Germany, because it is a very bureaucratic country. "

The Destruction leader also explains: “Everything takes a long time, and you have to fill out many forms. But the truth was quick, as they promised. And I think it really helps us to survive now. Now that everything is quieter, it seems that there are still shows that will be held this year. We cancelled everything until November. I hope that in November or December, the directives start before that: I don't know. We still don't know how to survive, because nobody here has big savings. We are a rock 'n' roll band and we spend our money and don't earn much.

Destrution 2019

But it hasn't looked like a total breakdown so far, although, of course, it looks a little threatening at the moment. But I am trying to stay positive. We are a band and, fortunately, we have other income that comes here and there. Merchandise and streaming are delivered every few months, and this is all that will keep us alive until we can play again. It will not be easy, but I am happy to say that our government has helped us at this point. ”


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